Organic strawberries in hemp honey-ed chocolate
Nov 19, 2020

- 1/3 cup Colorado Hemp Honey Raw Relief flavor
- 1 cup virgin coconut oil
- 3/4 cup cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Dash of salt
- Fresh organic strawberries with stems and leaves left attached
Wash strawberries using cold water; dry and set aside.
Measure honey into a small bowl and warm it by placing the bottom of the bowl in a Bain Marie. Do not microwave or overheat.
Use the same process to warm the coconut oil.
Warming the honey and the coconut oil in two steps is important because they separate easily. Don't try to cheat this step!
Slowly whisk the warm coconut oil into the honey.
Add cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and sea salt in a bowl.
Dip each strawberry in chocolate and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 20 minutes or until chocolate has hardened.
Remove from freezer and repeat dipping if necessary. (We dipped ours about four times.)