At Colorado Hemp Honey, our relentless efforts to share the exceptional qualities of our honeys with the world are evident. We take immense pride in our dedicated team and the recognition our beekeeping endeavors have garnered, making appearances in global news, television broadcasts, and reputable magazines. We invite you to join us in amplifying our message as we continue to create buzz around our products.
Featured In:
Explore a selection of articles that highlight Colorado Hemp Honey's journey. Click on the images below to delve into the various press features that shed light on our remarkable offerings and our commitment to quality.

Denver Westword
"Colorado Hemp Honey Is the Bee's Knees
— and a Healthy CBD Option"

Food & Wine
"Bee Thieves Pose a Big Threat
to California's Almond Industry"

CNN Business
"8 Things You Can Buy with
Bitcoin Right Now"

Modern Farmer
"Proposed Acts Could Finally Help
Regulate CBD in Food Products"

FOX31 News
"Colorado Hemp Honey"

"From US Marine to Beekeeper:
Colorado Hemp Honey"

5280 Denver Magazine
"5 Local CBD Edibles
Worth Buying"

New Hope Network
"The 32 NEXTY Award Winners for
Natural Products Expo West 2019"

Pets+ Magazine
"Colorado Hemp Honey
Fact Sheet"

Snowboard Magazine
"Provisions 047: Five Treats
for On and Off the Mountain"

Let's Talk Hemp
"Colorado Hemp Farm
Buzzes with Bees"